Every business has goals, and every goal needs a team of committed experts to bring it to life. Your business needs committed sales reps to reach its sales targets, dedicated production experts, and dedicated line managers- you name them- if its overall business goals are to be actualized.

But employee dedication and commitment don’t come freely. It is very easy for employees to let things slip away if you haven’t put measures in place to help them stay on track. It is your job as the custodian of your company goals to cultivate a culture of commitment within the workplace.

When you delegate tasks to your employees, you have to ensure that each one of them understands the scope and seriousness of the tasks assigned and that everyone is on track to beating set timelines. That’s why you need these 6 strategies to help your team keep their and your company’s goals on track.

1. Improve the office meeting areas

Most workers spend 6-10 hours stuck on a desk. They only interact with colleagues via email and phone calls. Rarely do they meet outside the office setting, outside of their workstations, for unplanned face-to-face interactions. Such offices are always unhealthy, employees are unproductive, and team collaboration doesn’t come organically.

Refreshing meetings and break rooms, the office kitchen, and the reception area, among other common areas in the workplace, allow for a smoother flow of information, better collaboration, and increased knowledge sharing. Such spaces inspire employees and encourage them to work harder. They feel at home whenever they step into that well-furnished and decorated reception.

When you invest in kitchen remodeling and stock it with healthy snacks, what you create is a space for workers to recharge, rehydrate, and practice healthy eating. Improved break rooms encourage workers to stretch their legs, engage in meaningful conversations, and refuel. All these improvements combined bolster employee productivity and help team members to stay on track.

Also, on top of optimizing your office for refreshing meetings and breaks, you need to encourage teamwork amongst your employees during office hours. If you’re setting an office in Los Angeles, for instance, invest in an adequate coworking space that nurtures collaboration and keeps your team on track.

2. Make your mission and vision clear and exciting

Your mission should spell out what needs to be accomplished. Your vision should be clear to all employees. All goals and projections should be attainable. Above all, you need to get employees excited about your company culture as well as its mission, vision, and long-term & short-term goals.

Focus on creating a highly motivated service team that values service delivery over anything else. Such a team will rarely lose focus of your big picture.

3. Involve employees in goal planning

It is easier for employees to get their goals into focus when you involve them at every step of the goal planning process. When you set goals together, you are always on the same page. Everyone is always on track.

Employees don’t have to be reminded of where you are going as a team because they were present when the journey was forged. Most importantly, when many people understand the thought process behind every task, team members become accountable to and for one another.

4. Stimulate a sense of urgency

Organize tasks in measured bursts to keep everyone on their toes. Simulate a sense of urgency by having a modest goal for the day, every day, and getting everyone focused on meeting that goal as at the close of business that particular day. The urgency should be defined by two aspects: Time and quantity.

You can, for example, set a goal in the morning whereby you agree as a team to complete 2 tasks every hour so that by the end of the day, you are at least 15 tasks clear. That means everyone will be rushing to meet hourly targets and without knowing it, the daily target will be met in the end. Remember to be there to get the ball rolling every morning and, as much as possible, be a hands-on leader throughout the day.

5. Establish a sense of belonging

Making sure that employees are part of the company is a crucial step to help them meet deadlines and keep them on track. By making them feel part of the company, they will be more productive and will deliver more results.

You can introduce activity programs where employees can engage and have fun with each other. Or perhaps a gym, with shower installations, so they can use them also during break hours. This is just one activity you can do. Feel free to go online and explore other possibilities.

6. Cultivate a culture of trust

Trust your employees to do the job even without you being present. That makes them responsible for themselves. In the same spirit, strive to make your employees trust you.

You will achieve that by being tolerant of any mistakes they make, exercising restraint when disciplining rogue employees, and opening up communication lines so that employees can access you whenever they need your guidance. With a culture of mutual trust, your employees will be more committed to making you happy, and that means more productivity.

Bottom line

Focus on creating a team of smart, creative, and passionate employees, and you are guaranteed that they will always be on track. Remember to align your company goals with their personal and career goals, and to effectively communicate- and collaborate- the company mission, vision, and goals across the team.

It’s also worth mentioning that allocating the right resources to make the office cozy, functional, productive, and smart. “Smart offices allow for greater creativity and innovation that will enable you to more easily manage your employees, keep them on track, and ensure optimal productivity.”- say experts from Cold Air Central

Related article: Best Strategies for Managing Your Workforce

We are in this together!

I need to let you all know that we are in on this together.  If you need to vent, talk, cry, or just have some to talk with then I am here listening. Since I am working part-time at the local Kroger, I will to the best of my ability to work it out around my schedule.

But you can reach me here:

Email: hotelblogger@aremorch.com

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We will get through this unprecedented event together! #hotelstrong #hospitalitystrong

For any specific information on COVID-19, I recommend go to CDCWHOAHLAAAHOA, and HSMAI. Also, follow information from your local authorities.


We are starting to reopen some hotels again (Yay!!!). Make sure you follow their guidelines and say THANK YOU to those that now show a unique spirit to serve, and helps us all get through this!! #hotelstrong #hospitalitystrong

About Are Morch

Hi, I am Are Morch. Your Digital Marketing Coach and Customer Experience Expert that specializes in creating effective digital customer experience offer for hotels while growing and scale customer acquisition and revenue.

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