In the hospitality industry, it is crucial to select the right employees to meet the client’s needs. Meanwhile, this requires the provision of adequate compensation for high-quality personnel. Therefore, a human resource management service must be organized and professionally trained to manage the processes enabling hospitality companies to thrive in a changing business environment. Let’s outline the main methods of the recruiting process and the criteria for selecting the best employees.

Where does the recruitment process begin?

Personnel policy in personnel selection determines the principles of recruitment, the number of employees required for the high-quality performance of the assigned functions in the hospitality business, methods of retention, and professional development of personnel.

The recruitment process begins with the selection of criteria for assessing the personality and work of applicants. The requirements include norms of behavior and characteristics of professional skills. Based on a comparison of the human resources plan with the personnel employed in the organization, vacancies are determined to be filled. If vacancies exist, the recruitment process begins, consisting of several stages – detailing the requirements for the vacant job and the candidate for its occupation; selection of candidates; selection of candidates, and hiring.

1. Requirements for an applicant

Hiring should begin with a detailed definition of who the organization needs. The formalization of requirements for candidates is a prerequisite. The position description is prepared by the personnel service and the head of the department in which the vacant position exists: the personnel service specialists bring their knowledge of the process of creating this document, and the line manager – the requirements for a specific workplace. The job description contains a list of the main functions that an employee in the hospitality business must perform in this position.

To facilitate recruiting candidates, many organizations began to create documents describing the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in this position – a competency map (profiles of ideal employees). The competency map represents the personal characteristics of a person, his ability to perform certain functions, a set of types of behavior, and social roles, such as a focus on the interests of the client, the ability to work in a group, assertiveness, and originality of thinking.

2. Pre-selection of applicants

After determining the requirements for the candidate, the HR department can proceed to the implementation of the next stage – attracting candidates. The main task here is to create a sufficiently representative list of qualified candidates for subsequent selection. The main constraints at this stage are the organization’s budget and the human resources for the following selection of candidates.

An organization can use several methods to attract candidates, one of which is to use the services of PEO or an employer of record services to help recruiters find the best talent and manage new hires.

3. Expert review

The next stage of recruiting is peer review based on testing, problem-solving, and hospitality exercises. The test results should give an idea of ​​a person’s ability to perform a specific job. The test should be designed according to the requirements for this type of activity and include a reliable set of tasks and skills necessary to perform the work in question. Some tests assess special mental abilities – deductive thinking and vocabulary development, which is especially important.

Testing is followed by observation: inviting applicants and conducting interviews. There are other methods: group discussions, business games, and individual messages. A screening interview must answer some questions in the hospitality business: the degree of interest of the applicant in the vacancy, and his ability to perform work at the proper level.

4. Choosing the perfect talent

The selection process of candidates is completed. A candidate for a vacant position becomes an employee of the organization only when the employment contract is signed. The next step towards making the employee’s work as productive as possible is vocational guidance and social adaptation in the team. Suppose management is interested in the success of an employee in a new place. In that case, remember that an organization is a social system, and each employee is a person.


When recruiting personnel in the hospitality business, it is necessary to consider the candidate’s interest in the vacancy and his competence. The selection of employees should be carried out taking into account professional knowledge, personal characteristics, the similarity of interests, and biography with the immediate supervisor and a team of other employees.

Over to you

The hotel industry is always changing, especially during a time of crisis. Make sure to future-proof your business and continue attracting new guests by investing in these solutions.

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Related article: How To Hire The Best People For Your Hotel

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