How To Choose The Right Content Marketing Tactics For Your Hotel

Your Hotel has decided that Social Media is going to be a communication channel to reach your ideal customers.

Value Proposition will be one of the core principles for your Hotels Content Marketing Strategies, and lead generation.

We need to develop a tactical plan for the process.

Content Marketing Tactical Plan

Implementation strategies are an important component of building an effective Social Media Channel for your Hotel. But we need to focus on execution and tactical strategies that take your Hotel to the next level.

We should know our Distribution Channels. Where will you reach your ideal customers? From a Hotel perspective, we know that a large portion of these customers will be on either Facebook or Twitter.

Our Marketing Strategy will tell us what we will do to reach Ideal Customers on these Channels.

Now we will focus on How we are going to reach Ideal Customers. To do that you have identified your Customers Social Media Lifetime Value.

Social Media Lifetime Value

You have to know your Customer Social Media Lifetime Value. This is what will drive all your lead generation and marketing decision. It also helps you focus your Social Media Advertisements with more precision, accuracy, and conversion.

One of the core principles I follow is Average Visitor Value > Average Cost Per Click. And then I must be able to identify how much money I spend on acquiring each customer.

To calculate customers Social Media Lifetime value you estimate the amount of money the customer will spend with you throughout his lifetime with your Hotel.

Estimated Lifetime Value = Average Sale year x Retention Rate

With traditional marketing average Retention Rate is 5 years. Social Media provide us with more variables, so average Retention Rate is here closer to 3 years.
Social Media is very dynamic, and it can be very difficult for customers to filter all the messages that come through all the channels. So your message needs to hit the bulls-eye to grab their attention.

Your Bulls-eye Content Marketing Tactics

Social Media content needs to grab and engage the reader’s attention. And you have to give them enough compelling information to make an educated decision. When you have this down then its time to make a call to action that is crystal clear, low risk and provides easy next steps.

a. Grab attention with Social Media Profile

The absolute first thing that grabs your customer attention is your Headline. The headline is the key to open a conversation with your customer. Your headline will either qualify or disqualify your customers.

b. Engage with Customers

Social Media has brought on some tough challenges when it comes to maintaining your potential customer’s attention. Customers today live in Social Media Overload, so you have two seconds after you grabbed their attention before they are gone.

The second thing to focus on with your Social Media Profile is your images. Images need to be professional and represent your Hotel.

After this point, you need to provide vital decision-making information that resolves a major concern or frustration for the customer.

c. Inform your Social Media Tribe

You need to provide your loyal Social Media Followers some significant and innovative information about how you deliver according to your Headline and Image. And then inform how this will add value to them.

Remember that most potential Social Media Customer is looking for the best deal, and this does NOT mean the lowest price. This is why Value Proposition is one of my core principles.

d. Call To Action (CTA)

Social Media focus a lot on networking, collaborations, engagement, and communication. But in the end, it also needs to impact Occupancy and Revenue.

You need to provide the potential customer with a compelling call to actions. Social Media is not magic, and it will not differ from traditional marketing when it comes to potential customers taking action. You have to ask them to do so right now, and also give them a good reason why. The only purpose of your Call To Action is for the potential customer to take action.


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About the author

Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Marketing Coach. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast