Confused about Social Selling? You have been told that you really should not use Social Media to sell online.
Social Selling sounds more like Social (without Selling). It doesn’t sound very sexy being the General Manager, Director of Marketing or Director of Sales that have to tell the Hotel Owners that strategies now focus on relationships and engagements.
The Hotel Owners turn their heads looking at you like you are crazy. And you continue to tell that Social Selling is about first connecting with the customers socially and selling second.
By now the Hotel Owner expression tells ‘Yeah you are crazy!’.
(At this point you might be ready to snap your fingers and disappear or search for the magic lamp and have the genie grant you three wishes.)
You will not disappear just like I am not a genie, but I can show you some ways to promote high-value content without turning customers off.
Knowing how to promote great content is key to successful Social Selling.
If you don’t promote, you’re going to end up wasting a lot of the hard work and effort that was put in creating your Hotels content.
Content is about people
Well, first let me address the ‘bad news’ about Social Selling. It is correct that relates to relationships and engagements.
And yeah, you have to first connect with the customers socially.
Ok, now we got that out of the way (any sign of relief yet?..)
Let’s jump over to some awesome news. Hospitality has always been and will always be about customer experiences and connecting with people.
If this is news to you, then you are in the wrong industry (sorry..).
Even with new technology, Social Media, New Media, Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence knocking on the door Hospitality will always require a human touch.
Personalization will require that Hotels actively connect with customers and serve their needs at every micro-moment of their customer experience.
The missing element that many modern marketers don’t share (or purposely leave out) relates to people. Relationships, engagement, and connections have to be in context with the content that adds value to every micro-moment of the customer journey.
When we look at promotions the idea is to contribute to growth and prosperity.
The key with Social Selling is that is a two-way process. Yeah, you should try out something really crazy by contributing to your customer’s growth and prosperity.
Social Selling is about meeting the customers where they are already conducting due diligence.
Social Selling Content
Social selling is the process of developing, nurturing, and leveraging relationships online to sell products or services. It encompasses more than just Social Media. It represents a broader strategy that includes sharing relevant content with customers online, interacting directly with customers, personal branding, social listening, and reputation management.
Customers today are in charge of their booking journey.
So, to generate bookings online today Hotel sales teams must take a customer-centric approach.
Social Selling Content is requiring three different tactics;
Understanding the psychology behind trigger content that appeals to address the different states of human behavior is what will turn you Hotels Social Selling into growth and prosperity.
Here are ways to trigger Hotels bookings through Social Networking;
- Reciprocity
When we give people something, they feel compelled to give something back in return
- Commitment
People will go to great lengths being consistent in words and actions. Make commitments, and keep your end of the bargain
- Social Proof
People are Social creatures by nature and tend to be biassed towards things other people like, whether they know them or not. Service recommendation is more credible than anything your Hotel says.
- Liking
People are more likely to say yes to a request if they feel a connection to the Hotel brand.
- Authority
When you evoke something familiar, such as a celebrity, industry expert or influencer, people will believe that your Hotel possesses similar qualities.
- Scarcity
People are motivated by what they might miss out on an opportunity.
- Unity
Your Hotel and your customers may have shared ideas or values, but unity takes it a step further with identities or groups. Identities are based upon those commonalities.
The emotional triggers of content: content gets shared because it’s fun or emotionally appealing and because sharing it fulfills an emotional need or desire,
The rational triggers of content: content gets shared because it is rationally deemed valuable and relevant.
Insight content is relevant and compelling through market research, data, a point of view, or experience and expertise that when shared, helps people see things differently.
That shift in perception could be a full-fledged Aha Moment, a simple realization, a connection, a new perspective, an increased awareness, or a deeper understanding.
In the context of Social selling, the insight typically shifts perception about the importance or weight of a situation or helps strengthen the connection between the customer’s situation and your Hotels solutions and the outcomes it would produce.
Use insight to educate and inspire customers with new ideas, insight and how your Hotel differentiate from the competition.
Engagement content digs deeper into the customer experience to learn their patterns and behaviors.
Booking decisions are often influenced by information found on the Internet and Social Media. Hotels will leverage Social Networking for their booking processes, become thought leaders, and increase their social presence by engaging in conversations about their products or services.
The key to building authentic relationships today is that customer will do business with Hotel brands they like, trust and know.
Today customers are making it a point to know more about the brands they do business with. Several brands today are working on processes that model human behavior.
Social Selling Automated
Next-generation promotional content comes through effective automated processes.
Social Selling automation will help Hotels save time, effort and cost. But again, to reiterate it will not replace human involvement.
The processes are designed to;
- Optimize content
- Curate valuable and relevant content
- Create reports across Social Networks
- Custom response
Our Social Media Management team has refined these processes to help Hotels. Contact us today to learn more.
Join our Free Hotel Social Media Community on Facebook for more in-depth insight.
As guest behavior and pattern continues to evolve, expectations will continue to rise. Navigating these changes can be challenging. Learn more about how we can help your Hotel.
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Our Social Media Management team has refined these processes to help Hotels. Contact us today to learn more.
Join our Free Hotel Social Media Community on Facebook for more in-depth insight.
Try something new it will magnetize your Hotel!
Be flexible and identify new ways to make guests happy.
As guest behavior and pattern continues to evolve, expectations will continue to rise. Navigating these changes can be challenging. Learn more about how we can help your Hotel.
About the author
Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Marketing Coach. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast