How To Generate Superior Content Creation Ideas for Hotels

I have been conducting a Social Media Management Survey for Hotels since December 2015. The goal here was to get some better ideas of some of the challenges Hotels to face today with Social Media.

I will use this opportunity to thank all Hotels and Hoteliers that took their time to respond to this survey.

This survey was started after I looked at the data from 2015 Better Blogger Survey by my friends at the CoSchedule Blog.

Some of the results that stood out here was;

  • 22% can’t find enough time to create content
  • 20% find it tough to plan content ahead of time
  • 16% say the hardest part of blogging is creating really good content

Biggest challenges Hotels face with Social Media

  • 28.6% struggle with generating content ideas
  • 21.4% struggle with improved online visibility
  • 14.3% struggle with customer engagement

Not very surprising content creation is the biggest challenge for Hotels. In response to what they believed Social Media could achieve for Hotels, several indicated improve online visibility.

This indicates that most Hotels believes that if they can generate superior content creation ideas this will result in improved online visibility.

And as we see from the 2015 Better Blogger Survey time and quality of content is the primary challenges.
Today when Hotels present content online it not only needs to be good, but it has to be superior. If this sounds like a stretch for your Hotel you are heading for bigger challenges than content creation.

Many Hotels have many years’ experience increased the cost of acquiring new guest. We also know to acquire a customer via an Online Travel Agency is much more expensive than through an owned Hotel channel. And today brand loyalty is virtually non-existing.

Hotels today has to create a superior customer experience that stands out. Today’s busy mobile business travelers require a more personalized experience. Customer will look for relevant and superior content that make their decision process easy.

There are two primary critical factors we have to look at here.

  1. Repeat guests drive current profitability
  2. New customers drive growth and future profitability

There is a distinct difference between customers and guests. Customer represents the transaction process that takes place up until they checked into your Hotel and becomes your first-time visitor. They are visitors to the Hotel during the period where there exists a mutual exchange:

  • Visitor exchanges money for service / product
  • Hotel exchange hospitality service / product that equals the money exchange

The reason for the distinction is due to customer brand loyalty. Hotels need to provide superior content that supports the different variables here.

The key challenges become what type of content should your Hotel provide to acquire new customers, and what type of content should your Hotel provide to generate more repeat guest.

The New and Renewed Customers

The New and Renewed Customers

Superior Content Curation is all about thinking outside the box.

Q: How can you attract new and renewed customer to your vibrant Hotel?
Most Hotels want to spend the least amount of money to get as many customers as possible.

Q: How do your Hotels ideal new and renewed customers look like?
It is no secret that repeats guest is more valuable than the infrequent quest or the one-time visitor.

Q: How should Hotels respond to the gap between current condition to a new and renewed vibrant condition?

Today Hotels has to shift to focus on Customer Value Optimization. Customers want a unique experience home away from home. And they want to share their unique experience with the world. Look at Airbnb a lot of their success lays is connectivity, community, uniqueness, affordable, personalization and shareability. Customers want to stay home away from home to tell a story that attracts attention.

Customers today are generating their little mini-reality show. Take a look at some of the popular reality shows today. It is not so much about the quality of the content, but more about the stories that keep the audience intrigued.

Of course, as a Hotel, you want to focus both on the quality of the content and the stories that will keep your audience intrigued. Remember we want to move then lever from visitor to return guest. That means keep the eye on the fulcrum. It is often the small things that will make it tip.

Social Media and New Media are just megaphones that put fire on the stories. The real story today represent the total customer experience. Start focusing on the story you want to tell.

Can you answer;

  1. Why are your Hotels story superior?
  2. What qualities and values makes your Hotels story superior?
  3. How are delivering the superior Hotel stories?

Great stories happen through awareness and change. Remember we replace exciting customer with new and renewed customers.

Prepare for the right customers

Reaching the right customers with a superior message sets the foundation for success. As said the key to a great story is to keep an eye on the fulcrum.

What happens when the visitor unlocks the door to their Hotel room for the first time?

Surprise and delight are what makes dreams come true.


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About the author

Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Marketing Coach. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast