What if your Hotel could trigger the consumer’s mindset with Happiness?

The key to happiness is to discover what makes happy people happy.

With happiness, I am referring to a person’s enjoyment or satisfaction, which may last just a few moments or extend throughout a lifetime.

Happiness is a mood or emotional state which is brought on by generally positive thoughts and feelings.

In 2016 a global research commissioned by Booking.com, the leader in connecting people with the most incredible places to stay, revealed that travel gives us such an emotional boost, we consider planning and going away on holiday more vital for our happiness than other big life occasions – such as our wedding day (49%).

The emotional lift that travel brings hits at each stage of the travel process from planning, through booking to going on holiday. And it’s the planning stages that give the most immediate boosts in happiness, with nearly three-quarters of people (72%) saying they get a kick of excitement just from researching where to go on holiday. Over half (56%) agree they then feel happiest when booking their holiday, underlining the importance of instant booking when it comes to securing an ideal stay.

Almost eight out of 10 people (79%) said scrolling through pictures of destinations and beautiful accommodations – from apartments to villas, Hotels, and B&Bs – help them to feel happy in the run-up to their holiday – and another six out of ten (61%) enjoy continuing to read reviews of the accommodation they’ve just booked.

How to increase your Hotels Happiness Score and boost Social Media Engagement

Being happy is not just about feeling good. Research shows that it also makes us healthier, more productive – and nicer.

Happiness is about being able to make the most of the good times – but also to cope effectively with the inevitable bad times, to experience the best possible life overall.

Our culture has primarily ended up focusing on the individual pursuit of happiness. Though with Social Media we have seen that it is the communities that matter. Social communities are where we can give and receive, help, and be helped, belong, and offer welcome to others – where our life energy has somewhere to land and grow.

Customer Happiness will help Hotels create a new unique company culture, boost their online reputation, and increase revenue.

To accelerate business growth my friends at Customer Happiness Score have created a unique system that helps Hotels reach happiness with three steps:

1. Measuring

It starts with a simple survey that discovers how the majority of your customers are feeling.

Then a simple follow-up to the question “Tell me more” gives invaluable insight into explaining what drove the customer’s feelings.

This will generate a Customer Happiness Score that will help your Hotel measure the performance of your team, your product and service, and your entire business, in real-time.

2. Managing

You can manage your customer relationship and online reputation with a real-time conversation platform.

This is a timely response to either respond to a concern or remind a guest to leave a review.

3. Marketing

Personalize your Hotel’s marketing efforts by integrating your customers’ feelings into your existing CRM and email marketing systems. This will help you deliver the right message, to the right customer at the right time, for better results.

Happiness and Social Media are important components in a Framework

To achieve exhilarating social media engagement Hotels must understand how to connect with high-performing communities.

Serve the Social Community, and start taking small steps that are part of a framework that will help your Hotel connect with the high-performing communities.

Here are some simple Happiness guidelines:

  • Do kind things to others
  • Create a Facebook Group to further help identify Happiness factors
  • Identify three good things every day
  • Show gratitude to your Social Community
  • Bring Mindfulness to Your Social Community
  • Ask for help when you are stuck
  • A positive attitude will make a difference
  • Surprise and delight

It is when you put a Hotel Social Media Framework in a context that it will start to come together. Focus on positive alternatives and then learn how to optimize these in ways that will attract influencers, advocates, and fans.

Over to you

The hotel industry is always changing, especially during a time of crisis. Make sure to future-proof your business and continue attracting new guests by investing in these solutions.

Ready to take your hotel’s digital transformation to a new level?

Partner up with a digital transformation coach for a new and bright future!

Contact Are Morch – Digital Transformation Coach today!

Related article: 5 Cost-effective Steps to Start a New Innovative Digital Transformation Shift for Hotels

We are in this together!

I need to let you all know that we are in on this together.  If you need to vent, talk, cry, or have someone to talk with, I am here listening.

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Email: hotelblogger@aremorch.com

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We will get through this unprecedented event together! #hotelstrong #hospitalitystrong

For any specific information on COVID-19, I recommend going to CDCWHOAHLAAAHOA, and HSMAI. Also, follow information from your local authorities.


The hotel industry is still facing some uphill challenges. Make sure you follow their guidelines and say THANK YOU to those that now show a unique spirit to serve and help us all get through this!! #hotelstrong #hospitalitystrong

About Are Morch

Are Morch assist hotels 🏩 in increasing their direct bookings through innovative digital transformation solutions, while avoiding competition with online travel agencies.

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