by Are Morch | Jan 20, 2022 | Direct Booking Strategies
Here’s a list of top hotel booking revenue makers across the globe. Is your property connected to them? STAAH, one of the leading cloud-based hotel distribution and guest booking platforms, has unveiled the lists of online channels that brought the greatest booking...
by Are Morch | Sep 16, 2021 | Guest Experience
In this blog, we look at what a contactless guest means, why it matters and how you can get your property up to speed on it. Far from a trend, this is becoming a need. Are you onboard? What is a contactless guest experience and why it matters? Contactless guest...
by Are Morch | Feb 28, 2021 | Social Media Marketing
All the 2021 Social Media Trends Hoteliers Need to Know About. The global pandemic’s restrictions meant that we have all spent a lot of time indoors. During this time social media has been embraced in a new way – to get information about the latest happenings,...
by Are Morch | Feb 4, 2021 | Direct Booking Strategies
The commission-free STAAH booking engine comes to hoteliers’ aid as the accommodation industry comes out of a pandemic-struck 2020. STAAH has revealed the top online booking channels for 2020. Varying across the world’s top tourism destinations, the lists reveal the...