The legal status of cannabis varies from one country or state to another. In the United States, the DEA classifies cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug. Based on that information alone, the general expectation is that it’s outright illegal to possess or distribute cannabis products like cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

But that’s not the case, as each state has its cannabis laws. And as you shall find, many states have gone a step further to enhance access to weed, both for medicinal and recreational purposes.

Let’s go over the top five cannabis-friendly destinations in the US.


California was the first state to legalize medical cannabis in 1996, and it was not long before many other states followed suit. Not only did the state legalize cannabis for medical use, but it also made it easier to qualify for a medical marijuana card. And that’s what matters. A few years later, California went a step further by lifting the restrictions on recreational weed.

Today, the state prides itself on some of the most weed-friendly tourist destinations, including hotels like The Standard, Hollywood. There are even certain tourist spots within the state, such as Alchemy Lounge and Hitman Coffee Shop in Los Angeles, which encourage guests to hang out while gorging themselves on the pot.

Caveat: You can only transport up to 28 grams of weed at a time. Also, you can only cultivate six plants for domestic consumption. You’ll need a license to cultivate weed for commercial use.


California may have been the first state to legalize medical marijuana. But Colorado holds the same record for recreational cannabis. Weed became recreationally available in Colorado as of January 2014, after the passage of the Colorado Amendment 64 by voters on November 6, 2012.

Since Colorado legalized recreational cannabis, there has been a consistent surge in the number of tourists visiting the state, particularly cities like Denver. Tourists can visit plenty of hydroponic cannabis farms and go on scenic road trips in weed-friendly vehicles, such as those operated by High-End Transportation. There are tons of weed-friendly accommodation facilities too, including the iconic hotel, The Adagio.

Caveat: You can only distribute up to 28 grams of weed and cultivate up to six cannabis plants for subsistence use. A license is required to grow weed for commercial purposes.


cannabis gummiesCannabis gummies


Washington was among the first states to criminalize marijuana in the 1920s. But in December 2012, Washington became the first state to legalize recreational use of marijuana. It was also the second state to legalize recreational marijuana sales, the same having been decriminalized by Colorado a month earlier.

You order cannabis products from your Washington weed dispensary hassle-free, but the state also has plenty of fun activities for weed lovers. One of the best times to visit the state is in August, where you can mingle freely with fellow marijuana enthusiasts at the Seattle Hempfest. And while at it, spare some time to try your hand at pipe making at the Boro School in Seattle.

Caveat: There’s presently no limit on the amount of weed you can transport in Washington. However, you’ll require a license for commercial cultivation.


Oregon has some of the ideal climatic conditions for growing weed in the United States. Summers are never too hot, neither are winters too chilly. That explains why a significant number of cannabis farms are concentrated in the state. The primary reason giant forests thrive in Oregon is due to the state’s favorable climatic conditions.

But besides Oregon’s ideal environment for growing cannabis, the state also ranks among the top weed-friendly destinations in the US. In 1973, Oregon became the first state to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of weed. Subsequent legislation cleared all gray areas, enhancing access to weed even further. Like Washington, Oregon is currently known for hosting some of the most iconic weed-themed events, including the Portland Hemp stalk Festival that’s held around Labor Day weekend.

Caveat: Maximum distribution limit is 28 grams. While cultivating weed for domestic use doesn’t require licensing, you’ll be limited to only four plants.


Nevada may have legalized weed much recently compared to the other states on our list. But the economic implications are already evident. The state legalized medical marijuana on November 7, 2000, whereas cannabis became recreationally available on November 8, 2016.

Before 2017, many tourists to Nevada were mostly drawn by the state’s intoxicating casino culture. But following the legalization of recreational weed, sights of men and women enjoying pot in popular weed-friendly joints like The Pepper mill are all too common. You only have to show proof that you’re an adult (21 years or over) to access weed for either medical or recreational use.

Caveat: There are generally no restrictions on the amount of weed you can possess in Nevada. However, cultivation for personal use is restricted to 6 plants per household.

The United States remains one of the most marijuana-friendly countries in the world. Cannabis products with no more than 0.3% of THC are legal countrywide. Better yet, some states have gone ahead to make weed available for both medical and recreational use. If you’re a weed enthusiast and looking for the top cannabis-friendly destinations in the US, insist on any of the five states we’ve highlighted above.

Related article: 5 Easy Ways To Travel With CBD

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About Are Morch

Hi, I am Are Morch. Your Digital Marketing Coach and Customer Experience Expert that specializes in creating effective digital customer experience offer for hotels while growing and scale customer acquisition and revenue.

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