Understandably, your Hotel want bookings. But booking conversion can take time when facing to new prospects. We can target and reach recipients that fit the profile we want, but they don’t necessarily know about you yet.
Unfamiliar buyers need time to educate themselves about your products, destination, and reputation before they can build trust in you. Many times, the purchase being made is quite significant and new customers are not going to make that decision quickly or lightly.
A key goal in Hotel marketing to attract new prospects must be focused on lead generation. While this is of critical importance in the leisure market, it is also particularly true in the group market when selling meetings, weddings and the like.
The Critical Importance Of Lead Validation In Internet Marketing
Surprises are great for birthday parties, but they’re not always great in Internet marketing. If you encounter any surprises, chances are it’s because of something you’ve overlooked. That’s bad because overlooking something can lead to missed opportunities.
For example, you might be surprised to learn that your Hotel lead generation website isn’t performing as well as it could be because you’re not taking the crucial step of validating sales leads.
Lead validation for Hotels is a critical component of the lead generation process because, without it, Hotel marketers can have a skewed idea of how successful their websites are.
Most online marketers see the raw conversion numbers generated by their sites and think they’re indicative of how many sales leads are being created. However, the truth is that nearly half of all website conversions turn out to be customer service inquiries, job applications, etc.
These are interactions that will never turn into new customers. When marketers take the conversion numbers at face value, they run the risk of making decisions about their campaigns on the shaky ground.
For example, a website may have two main sources generating conversions: Source A generates 100 conversions a month while Source B generates 50. Looking at the raw conversion figures, a marketer might assume that Source A is more successful at creating new customers. However, validating those leads might find that Source A only generated 25 sales leads out of those 100 conversions; whereas all of Source B’s 50 conversions turned out to be sales leads. With that layer of information, the marketer would know that Source B is more successful.
The following presentation goes into more detail about why lead validation needs to be part of an online Hotel marketing campaign, and how it can give you the information you need to make the most of yours.
Being surprised by anything in your lead generation campaign means you didn’t know something that could have helped you — lead validation can help you avoid those surprises.
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Aaron Wittersheim is Chief Operating Officer at Straight North, an Internet marketing company in Chicago. His focus is on marketing and website services, and technology.
About the author
Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Marketing Coach. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast