Five Simple Ways to Attract More Customers to Hotel Websites

Your web presence is one of the most important parts of your Hotel – don’t waste any time when it comes to setting up an efficient, attractive, and easy to use website!

Web sites have replaced phone conversations as the first point of interaction for most clients when they’re looking up a new hotel or a new business, and with the first impression is one of the most important points of a business relationship, creating excellent web design is a necessity in the modern world. Here’s a look at five simple ways to help make your website the best it can be.

1. Go Mobile

It’s easy to take the changing forms of communication all around us for granted, but designing websites for different screens – desktops, laptops, phones, tablets, and more – is a very important process.

Responsive web design, as this process is called, should be one of your top priorities when creating a new website. Responsive web design advantages include being able to reach different devices easily and broadening your potential market, which is a very important capability for any business.

2. Keep It Up to Date

An out of date Hotel website is a huge red flag for consumers – seeing events and offers advertised when their expiration date has passed has turned away many potential clients. When you’ve got your website up and running, you need to focus on website maintenance, both for security purposes (changing your passwords regularly, keeping an eye on database users, and so on) and for public relations purposes.

3. Keep It Simple

The latest trend in web design is called “flat” design, and though its name may suggest otherwise, it’s a very dynamic and useful style that’s easy on the eyes and efficient in delivering information. Consult with a web designer to figure out the best route for your website – they’ll be aware of the latest trends and which of those trends have sticking power and actual utility for consumers.

4. Stay Futureproof

While you’re talking with your web designer, make sure to figure out how you can keep Hotel websites futureproof – that is, keep its code and structure working as technology advances. While WordPress is a very popular platform now, you may want to consider other flexible platforms to make your site useful for as long as possible. Consult your web designer for more information on how to make Hotel Websites a long-lasting one.

5. Get Moving!

More than anything else, you need to make sure your Hotel website is up and running as soon as possible and as continuously as possible. If you don’t have a website yet, drop everything and start a web design consultation right away! If you do, focus on keeping it well maintained and up to date – you’ll be well on your way to getting more clients this way.

With website construction a hugely important field for hotels and their guests, you’ll want to get up and running as soon as possible with your layout and design. Once you’ve gotten started, you’ll find yourself getting more clients and keeping their interest in your hotel fresh – getting the site up and running is an excellent way to attract and maintain customers.


10 of the best boutique hotel websites via @Guardian


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Sally Smith is the Marketing Executive. The area of her interest, including, but not limited to, digital marketing, blogging, business, and cooking. She works with Orange Digital.

About the author

Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Marketing Coach. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast