Innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are readily available to the markets.
Innovation also represents something original and more effective and, therefore, new, that ” breaks into” the market or society.
Hotels can innovate through optimizations and provide new high-value alternatives.
Disruptive Innovation for high-value alternatives
Guests today are seeking new and innovative ways to add value to their overall customer experience.
As Hoteliers, we play a key role in our guest’s journey, stories and experience.
Traditionally innovation has represented a predictable pattern based on studies, surveys, forums, and trends.
Today we are facing major shifts towards more disruptive innovations. Disruptive innovations break new barriers and taps into new markets and value networks.
We have seen that disruptive innovations have been introduced by entrepreneurs and that millennials been more adapt to this.
Leading Hotels often will not take on disruptive innovations due to facts like they are not profitable enough in the beginning and they take away resources from more traditional innovation.
Innovate around your Hotels core culture
Disruptive innovation will require us to think outside the box and how it works to open high-value and cost-effective alternatives.
JW Marriott collaborated with The Joffrey Ballet for the Behind The Barre<. This was an initiative committed to the well-being by providing guests with the tools and techniques to maintain a healthy lifestyle no matter where your travels take you.
This a brilliant way to apply disruptive innovation to the core culture of luxury hospitality.
Traditional innovation would analyze the luxury Hotel segment. And luxury hotels tend to assess what other luxury Hotels are up to. This will end up with the Hotels focus on their current customer which will limit their opportunities.
A disruptive innovative approach focus on looking at;
- Alternative industries
- Strategic groups within the industry
- Redefine industry buyer group
- Complementary products and service offerings
- Functional emotional orientation of the industry
- Shaping external trends over time
Develop meaningful human-centered high-value alternatives
Hotels, in general, compete on essentially the same set of factors, just more or less of them.
A lot of the data we get today help us better understand why customers select various types of Hotels.
And for a long time, I was among many that had a misconception of the importance of price. Price is important, but it is not the primary reason why customers will choose a four-star Hotel over a three-star Hotel.
The customer today finds three and two-star Hotels to be institutional and mediocre. They’re just not inspiring.
Some of the effects of technology and smart devices have resulted in that for most frequent travelers today front desk, concierge service, bellhops or doormen don’t play a key role in their booking decisions.
Innovation can start with some Guppy Love
The key for Hotels is to inspire and identify the inner child in all of us. When our dreams become reality, it provides a great foundation for us to share a unique experience with our Social Networks.
Kimpton® Hotels & Resorts provide some unique welcome gifts for kids. One truly creative disruptive innovation is where they provide a goldfish to the guest room.
Guppy Love is simple and provides the kind of high-value alternatives Hotels need to implement more of.
Feel free to share your Hotels high-value innovation with me here in the comments.
The Hotel Content Funnel – a dynamic process
I work on content strategies that support The Hotel Content Funnel. This is an ongoing dynamic process where data, information, and innovation will reach the relevant consumers for a given Hotel.
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About the author
Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Marketing Coach. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast