Can Digital Marketing Automation save Christmas and Hotels from an unprecedented event?

Do not we all want to be part of ‘Tis the season to be jolly…’.

This season is anything but jolly for hotels.

Social distancing, six feet apart, mask mandates, clean hands, do not touch your face, and more has added some new challenges for hotels.

Several hotels furlough employees, others lay off employees, while some can keep operations on limited occupation percentages.

Recently, we saw a large number of hotels is indicating that they will be forced to close if they do not receive assistance from the government.

What can hotels do to make a strong comeback from an unprecedented event that puts the future existence of the industry in jeopardy?

The path to recovery for hotels

The media are for sure painting their own unique perspectives of this unprecedented event. Of course, the hotel industry should stay informed.

As hoteliers, we have a responsibility to seek accurate and valid information from relevant sources to make an educated decision that is in the best interest of employees and customers.

Despite the challenges we all faced during this unprecedented event, we still have to fulfill our most basic needs.

For the hospitality and service sector, I strongly recommend embracing the guidelines outlined in AHLA Safe Stay.

AHLA is also active in lobbying with congress to support relief funds that will help them through a difficult period until we see people all over the world are getting vaccinated.

At the current time, an emergency approval of the Pfizer vaccine in the U.K and the U.S. Russia and China had already approved the vaccine without any large efficiency tests.

Of course, there are going to be vaccinations provided at a scale none of us has experienced. I am sure with a process of this scale, there will be some setbacks and challenges that need to be dealt with.

As more people get vaccinated, scientists will learn more about the effectiveness of the vaccine.

I am a firm believer in a positive growth mindset and value innovation. Therefore, I have faith that the emergency approvals are a calculated risk that will help hotels with a strong comeback in 2021.

One important question for the hotel industry is if employees and customers should be required to show proof of being vaccinated to either serve or be served. What are your thoughts?

Post-COVID travel trends

To learn more about what patterns to expect post-COVID we have a look at data from China.

China has now opened for some international travel again.

The Chinese marketed is a very digitalized market, and COVID-19 just further embraced this trend.

Besides, the Chinese market started similarly to the U.S. market where travelers were canceling travel plans.

Now as China’s lockdown is with no domestic COVID-19 cases businesses are starting to reopen cautiously.

Most of the Chinese tourist attractions are now also open again to the public. Besides, consumers are feeling safer now to come back for new experiences.

One trend we see from China that we have also seen some indications here in the U.S. is the increase in local and short distance travel. Simultaneously, the Chinese consumer is seeking more domestic travel experiences.

One similarity we see from China is that COVID-19 has the most severe impact on the elderly and those with underlying conditions.

The most interesting trend we see from China is that are predominantly the younger consumers that are among the first wave of travelers.

Besides, the data show an increase in mobile usage with consumers using mobile applications for their travel needs.

How to reach travelers post-COVID?

In China hotels focus on quickly adapting to new digital trends targeting younger demographics on emerging social media platforms, mobile apps, new consumer needs, and invest in new technology.

Hotels are now designing unique stay close to home packages offered through new innovative technology.

Besides, hotels in China are now experiencing occupancy rates that have bounced back to approximately 90 percent of the 2019 level.

Consumers are now looking for more flexibility and they need to be comfortable with all digital touchpoints in their journey.

The most predominant trend we see from China and start to see signs here in the U.S. is that travelers are using an overwhelming mix of digital touchpoints in context with their purchasing journey.

More than 70% of Chinese are spending more time on mobile apps and trying new mobile apps.

A survey by McKinsey showed that 70% of travelers were willing to travel within a four-month period from around national day (October 1, 2020).

It will take a while before hotels are back to the levels pre-COVID. However, travelers will come back, and your hotel has relevant service offers that respond to new needs and want.

If your hotel wants to reach a new generation of travelers, one important key is to invest in new smart technology that provides a streamlined communication channel with travelers.

Dedicated hotel chatbots provide a unique solution that helps hotels gather relevant information.

As a partner with Asksuite, the solutions provided are cost-effective and dedicated to helping your hotel get more direct bookings.

Let digital marketing automation work for your hotel!

Related article: Automation that Can Make Your Hotel Smarter

We are in this together!

I need to let you all know that we are in on this together.  If you need to vent, talk, cry, or just have some to talk with then I am here listening. Since I am working part-time at the local Kroger, I will to the best of my ability to work it out around my schedule.

But you can reach me here:


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Also, join us at our Facebook Group – Hotel Social Media Community

We will get through this unprecedented event together! #hotelstrong #hospitalitystrong

For any specific information on COVID-19, I recommend go to CDCWHOAHLAAAHOA, and HSMAI. Also, follow information from your local authorities.


We are starting to reopen some hotels again (Yay!!!). Make sure you follow their guidelines and say THANK YOU to those that now show a unique spirit to serve, and helps us all get through this!! #hotelstrong #hospitalitystrong

About Are Morch

Hi, I am Are Morch. Your Digital Marketing Coach and Customer Experience Expert that specializes in creating effective digital customer experience offer for hotels while growing and scale customer acquisition and revenue.

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