Co-working spaces are fast becoming a global phenomenon. From Europe to the Americas, from Africa to Asia, the tide is on the rise. Almost every other hospitality player is taking note of this emerging trend. People are refusing the traditional office-style workplace. They want freedom, travel, and adventure.

They don’t want life to pass them while they work. Younger generations have realized that work will be there for a lifetime. They want to live great while still working. That combination is rare in an office setting. With co-working spaces, that lifestyle and more become possible.

Hotels are offering a combination of co-working spaces and regular restaurant services. Such a combination is proving contagious globally. Here are some of the things that make it appealing to hotel owners.

Increase customers and bookings

Co-working spaces offer value to the user. One can continue with his or her work while enjoying hospitality services. The discerning nomad can interact with fellow nomads while still working. Nomads are also social snobs. They will share the location with fellow nomads. That is free publicity for the hotel and the co-working business. There will be more bookings and customers at any given time.

Unlike classic business travel that lasts a day or two, digital nomads can extend their stay to weeks or months. After all, life for them is not stopping. Instead of that person using the space for a short time, he or she can book the desk for a week or month. The hotel can get maximum dollars from every visitor.

Increased revenues in sales

The hotel will add another layer of service to the customers. Charging a fee for the co-working space, which users convert to diners, can increase revenues and profits. Some do not even charge a fee for the working stations. They know the people will keep ordering. The person will take breakfast, lunch, and dinner there. Hotels can offer specialist services such as a meeting room rental, conference hall rental, and services offices.

Improve Hotel brand

The first hotels to adopt this concept received attention globally. The buzz was huge. Some could not hold the number of discerning customers. Today, those that take such lifestyles can benefit from the nature of coworking space users who aren’t afraid to promote a service they are using.

A hotel can distinguish itself in the market by offering an opportunity to these people. A hotel can brand itself as a community of global citizens.

Connect with brands and startups

Staying In touch with global trends is becoming the next competitive advantage for businesses. One way to do that is to connect with the people who value trends and innovation. They throng co-working spaces and creativity hubs.

Hotels can stay in contact with brands that target this clientele by offering services offices or a meeting room rental where they can host their activities. They can also keep in touch with thought leaders and innovators. They can also learn a lot about some of the emerging trends in the hospitality industry. Millennials bring a freshness of things in almost every facet of life. They are also changing dining habits.


Hotels are reaping more than revenues. They can attract a variety of people from all over the world. They also get a chance to host thought leaders of tomorrow. A coworking space is a worthy investment.

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Emily is a freelance writer, working closely with many aspiring thinkers and entrepreneurs from various companies. She loves encouraging small business owners and digital marketing through her articles!

About the author

Are Morch is the founder and owner of Are Morch – Hotel Marketing Coach. Get more from Are on Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Instagram| Podcast