How Millennial Travel Trends Energize New Powerful Hotels

How Millennial Travel Trends Energize New Powerful Hotels

For millennials experience is everything! When millennials are planning their travel journey they tend to look for new experiences, especially those that are authentic to a given area of the country. 62% of US Travelers indicate that when they on a vacation, the most...
How to Draw Millennials to Your Hotel

How to Draw Millennials to Your Hotel

How to Draw Millennials to Your Hotel Millennials are taking over the world, literally. They have surpassed the Baby Boomers numbers and are now the largest demographic on earth. There are a few things that are different about the millennial-aged population (ages 19...
8 Hotel Marketing Trends For 2016 You Need To Know

8 Hotel Marketing Trends For 2016 You Need To Know

8 Hotel Marketing Trends For 2016 You Need To Know 2016 has started as one of the most fascinating and exciting years in a long time for us that follow the Hotel Industry close. For me as an Independent Hotel Blogger and Social Media Manager, it has been a time to...